Multi-disciplinary Grant Application

The application must include the following. All character counts include spaces:

  • Research Topic/Problem (8,000 character max) – Define the major research focus or problem to be addressed by the team. Describe the significance or impact of the problem, and how it aligns with the targeted funding program.
  • Team and Management Plan (4,000 character max) – Describe the proposed team, disciplinary expertise represented, and any previous collaborations (if applicable). Include a brief management plan and timeline of planning activities.
  • Research Plan (10,000 character max) – Describe the research plan or approach and the team’s integration of expertise into research activities. Include innovation(s) that will heighten proposal competitiveness and any preliminary research that must occur before proposal submission.
  • Future Funding Program (2,000 character max) – Describe in detail the large, multidisciplinary funding vehicle to which the team will submit its proposal. Describe the program’s fit for the team.
  • Budget – Indicate the budget items required to complete this planning grant and provide a brief description of how each item will support the project.
  • Biographical Sketches – Provide a 2 page biographical sketch for each key person listed above. Use the template provided.